Scuba Gear Services

It only takes one great experience to fall in love with diving, but when you’re new to the sport, you might be hesitant to go out and immediately buy your own gear. At first, it might make sense to rent gear and get a feel for what you like, but when you know you’re committed to a lifetime of diving, one of the smartest investments you can make is buying your own gear instead of using scuba gear rental services

Above all, a comfortable dive is a good dive, and when your gear is your own, you have a lot less to worry about – and a lot less tugging and adjusting to do. When you’re ready to start buying your own kit, these are the items that should be first on your list – and why you’ll enjoy owning them.

We supply a large selection of high quality dive gear that will satisfy the recreational and technical diver.

Gear Service 2025

Regulator Repair Prices

ServiceAverage Price (plus parts if applicable)
First & Second Stage$45.00 - $60.00
Additional Alternate Regulator$20.00
BCD Inspection$15.00
Annual Service$25.00
Computer Battery Change$7.50

Why Is Regulator Repair Important?

Having your regulator repaired by a certified and diligent service technician is critical. There are many stories out of the dive industry about freshly serviced regulators bursting or leaking while diving. Our technicians take their time to make sure that each piece of equipment will hold up to the most extreme diving conditions.

How Long Will It Take?

This answer varies based on the regulator type, brand, and service needed to it. On average, we try to turn our repair equipment around within two to three weeks

Scuba Tank Fills

Tank SizePrice
Paintball Tanks$10.00
01-20 cf$4.00
21-44 cf
45-79 cf$6.00
80-99 cf$7.50
100-120 cf$9.00
121-130 cf$10.00
OCA Top Off$9.00

About Our Fill Station

Our air fill station has the capability of filling many different size tanks at the same time! We can accommodate up to four tanks of any size at any time. Since our air fill station is in such high demand, we highly recommend calling ahead to reserve your spot. It is not uncommon for us to have a two-day backlog.  

Nitrox Available

In addition to being able to fill tanks with regular air, we can fill tanks with any blend of nitrox. Diving with nitrox gives the scuba diver the ability to achieve longer bottom time and reduced fatigue after dives.

Trimix Now Available

We are proud to announce that we now have the capability of accommodating trimix divers. Using trimix, you can increase depth limits and dive times. This blend requires advanced certifications.